

If you’re looking for a lesson in video game history or just want to feed your inner geek, the freshly opened Computer Game Museum awaits.

Image for Nerd-stalgia
Photo by Jonas Hjortdal

If the grey, concrete-y Karl-Marx-Allee is a good location for any museum, it’s probably suited for one aimed at the somewhat lone-wolfed minds of hardcore gamers. Curator Andreas Lange insists that the freshly opened Computer Game Museum – Berlin’s first and only – is not a ‘fan temple’, but if a journey through gaming history is not aiming primarily at the gaming community, then what is?

That being said, the exhibition offers a certain nostalgic enjoyment for first-generation gamers and provides a virtual history lesson for younger joystick-enthusiasts. The more-than-300 objects on display take us all the way from the first computer back in 1951 up to today’s more interactive games built around huge online societies. Highlights include the 1985 title Poly-Play, the only video game produced in the GDR, and several interesting facts about the sophistication of ‘second life’ economies.

So if you’re looking for a lesson in video game history or just want to feed your inner geek, your €8 (€5 for students) will be well spent.