Feb 23

Berlin by Foot walking tour: A historical murder mystery

On February 23, The Berliner's history writer Nathaniel Flakin will lead a walking tour about the death of Horst Wessel

Horst Wessel, whose day of death happened 95 years ago, was a young leader of the Nazi Party in the working-class neighborhood of Friedrichshain. On January 14, 1930, he was shot in his apartment, and he died a month later. Joseph Goebbels turned him into the Nazis’ principle martyr. After 1933, the Horst Wessel Song became the national anthem of the Third Reich. There were Horst Wessel Streets, Horst Wessel Squares, a Horst Wessel Hospital — Friedrichshain even became Horst Wessel City.

Hitler said that Wessel would be remembered for hundreds of years. Today, most people have never heard of him. Two myths have since competed about Wessel’s murder: the Nazis said he was assassinated by a red hit squad; the communists said he was a pimp and was killed in a dispute with another pimp. Both these myths are false, and the real story offers important insights about working-class life in Berlin in the late 1920s.Our tour will start at the site of the murder. In the style of a historical murder mystery, we will trace the path the murderers took on that cold January night so many years ago. We will end up at the site of a Communist bar in the Scheunenviertel.

Our tour will be meeting in front of Kino International, Karl-Marx-Allee 33, U5 Schillingstraße. We will meet at 14:00 and leave by 14:15.

The tour will end two hours later near Rosenthaler Platz. We will not be using public transportation — the tour will be entirely outside.

Want to learn more about the Horst Wessel murder? Read Nathaniel’s article here.