Forest hump
OUT NOW! Berlin based eco-initiative FUCK FOR FOREST are the subject of a documentary that amounts to […]
Promised bland
OUT NOW! Gus van Sant's PROMISED LAND attempts humanise the highly-charged issue of fracking, but the result […]
Not so down to earth
OUT NOW! Self-indulgent father-son bonding exercise AFTER EARTH leaves the viewer space-sick.
Hamming it with Hitchcock
OUT NOW! Chan-wook's STOKER has all the trappings of any good Hitchcock thriller: but hardly transcends.
Trekkies rejoice
OUT NOW! J.J. Abrams' sequel to the original Star Trek, STAR TREK INTO DARKNESS is a non-stop […]
New queer self esteem
Julia Ostertag's documentary AND YOU BELONG shows women paving the way for other queers through her tender […]