Megan’s Megacan: Germany And Its Half-Learned Lessons (Also: Join A Union!)
Remember Hans-Georg Maaßen, the guy who used to run Germany's state security services? He's now been named […]
The EXB news briefing: September 20, 2018
In the German papers this week: Vexing and perplexing news stories from Berlin and beyond...
Konrad Werner: Snowden-friendly Germany invests in mass surveillance
The German secret service this month leaked its mass surveillance plans to the press and no one […]
John Riceburg: Just call it terrorism already
Heard about the wave of terrorist attacks rolling through Germany? There have been over 500 attacks on […]
Konrad Werner: Buried in a mountain away from the NSA
Konrad has worked out why that guy got himself stuck in that mountain. He read the Snowden […]