Tortilla Curtain
Even though the length shorts the character development, it's still a well-constructed theater piece with a Multikulti […]
A chat with… Nir de Volff
Nir de Volff‘s Picnics, Weddings and Funerals is a unique take on ritual and you can taste […]
Your Weekend: Come and go
Things rise and fall in Berlin. Such as the intensity of nightlife from weekend to weekend. We […]
Gods, fairytales and their puppets
KREATIONEN 2010 was this month and EXBERLINER was on the scene to see what would happen at […]
A chat with… Annie Dorsen
"We are the robots." Ever wonder how chatbots reflect who we are? The director and writer of […]
'Playtime' may part of the literal meaning behind spielzeit'europa, but it's also quite descriptive as to what […]