The Oktoberfest bombing
On September 26, 1980 a bomb at Munich’s famous Oktoberfest killed 13 people and injured 200, making […]
“Conspiracy theorists are dangerous”
Interview: Bernd Harder. The Skeptiker spokesperson and conspiracy theory expert has published a range of books dealing […]
Nazi UFOs
Did the Nazi leadership escape to a secret UFO base in Antarctica after WWII? I WANT TO […]
“The best conspiracies are those you’ll never hear about”
Interview: Dirk Pohlmann. The 51-year-old journalist knows something about the risks and difficulty attached to investigation.
Hitler fakes his death
On April 30, Adolf Hitler took cyanide with his wife Eva Braun and shot himself through the […]
Codename Teddybär
Built by the Americans and now operating as a ‘black project’ under the codename ‘Teddybär’, a giant […]