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Fake news of the week: War in Ukraine (update)

Since Russia's invasion of Ukraine, German social media has been flooded with misinformation and images shared out […]


Aleksandr Nezhny: “Why did our dwarf start this war?”

Moscow author Aleksandr Nezhny shares his disgust at the sad, sinful war against Ukraine

Red flag

Red Flag: Turn oligarchs’ villas into refugee housing!

One of Putin's favourite billionaires appears to own an empty villa in Schmargendorf, southwest Berlin.


“Putin can’t lose face”: Analyst Marina Henke on the Ukraine war

As Russia's invasion continues, we ask defence expert Marina Henke about nuclear weapons, Putin's strategy and the […]

Fact check

Fact check of the week: Anti-Russian attacks

A video shared on Twitter showed a business with its windows smashed after a potentially politically motivated […]

Ukraine - reports from Berlin

Medicine, petrol, baby food: The Berliner bringing aid to the Ukraine border

We spoke with Alan Meyer, a Russian-born Berliner helping Ukrainians cross the Polish border


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