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Asylum greeters

Why refugees volunteer to help other refugees, the challenges they face, and how they feel about it […]


Vox Refugee: Mustapha

Time to meet someone on the other side of the LaGeSo line. Mustapha is not a refugee […]


Konrad Werner: Refugees Welcome… to Berlin’s admin hell

The refugee crisis is not really a refugee crisis – it's a local authority crisis. Especially in […]


The “dos and don’ts” of refugee reporting

Our recent review of the Refugee Voices tour triggered an unexpectedly hostile reaction from its organiser. Should […]


Vox refugee: Jonathan

Starting as a rebel fighter in Chad, Jonathan has been shuffled from there to Sudan to Libya […]


A refugee history lesson

Want to learn about a side of refugee life in Berlin overshadowed by the current crisis? Take […]


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