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Mutti and misogyny: Is Merkel a feminist?

As the nation's political matriarch bows out, Jacinta Nandi lets rip at the misogyny her reign exposed.


Why do Berliners love dogs so much?

Jacinta Nandi on how she, an unabashed canine loather, was dragged into a filthy world of cross-species […]


Rant: My fight against German bureaucracy

Nathaniel Flakin is locked in a battle with pen pushers at a royalties agency for authors. He […]


Don’t use domestic violence as an excuse!

WTF BERLI!N! Jacinta Nandi is against reopening kitas. And using solidarity with domestic violence victims as the […]


Social butterflies do it best

WTF BERLIN! What's more important – freedom or the freedom to cancel plans? It's quarantine, but between […]


Jacinta Nandi: Germany’s newest tinfluencer

WTF BERLIN! Tinned food is glamorous! Armed only with a few tins, a spice rack, a Jack […]


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