Neukölln inaugurates Berlin’s first memorial to anti-colonial resistance
‘EarthNest’, Berlin’s new anti-colonial memorial site, was ceremoniously inaugurated in front of the Berlin Global Village in […]
Bones of Contention: Why are so many human remains locked up in Berlin museums?
Thousands of skulls and skeletons from victims of German colonialism are lying in Berlin museums. Why is […]
YOYI! Care, Repair, Heal: Colonial catharsis and the power of healing
With YOYI! Care, Repair, Heal outgoing director of Gropius Bau Stephanie Rosenthal has put on a moving […]
“First you brought us colonialism. Now you are bringing us post-colonialism”
After the opening of the East Wing last September, we spoke with Humboldt Forum director Hartmut Dorgeloh […]
Red flag
When Berlin was a centre of worldwide anti-colonial struggles
With the 12th Berlin Biennale is focusing on decolonial engagement, we remember Berlin's history of anti-colonial struggle.
Art festival
Berlin Biennale 2022: Exploring colonial trauma
The 12th Berlin Biennale examines the unhealed wounds left by Western colonialism.