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The eternal punk: Wolfgang Müller

THE BOYS OF KOTTI SERIES! It takes a certain kind of character (and yes, apparently some testosterone) […]


Konrad Werner: A pretty fishy masterplan

Berlin has a new "masterplan" for integrating refugees. It costs €238,000 and the one person it integrated […]


Seymour Gris: Reining in the landlords

Yes, we have a Mietbremse (rental price limit) and a Wohnraumversorgungsgesetz (giving tenants some financial help in […]


Konrad Werner: Refugees Welcome… to Berlin’s admin hell

The refugee crisis is not really a refugee crisis – it's a local authority crisis. Especially in […]


Konrad Werner: Mayor Müller’s cynical Tempelhof trick

Mayor Müller says sorry but he's going to have to build on that prime bit of lush, […]


Konrad Werner: Hooray! Berlin has become boring

Last week, no one noticed that Berlin got a new mayor. And they were right to pay […]


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