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Breitbart opens Berlin media site in co-working space

Long rumoured to be starting an office in Berlin, the American alt-right news site Breitbart is finally […]


Konrad Werner: Germany condemns Trump, but makes money off him

Germany has an old rule when it comes to foreign despots – condemn first then do business. […]


Syrious ambitions

The arty Syrian diaspora breaks new ground in Berlin with its own magazine, A Syrious Look.


Konrad Werner: It’s not just terrorists spreading fear

Terrorists feed on our news-fevered brains.


Konrad Werner: Die Welt does a Breitbart

Another week, another tiresome hatchet job on Muslims in Germany. Only this time the Springer Verlag pre-emptively […]


Truly global: Safia Dickersbach

INTERVIEW! Dickersbach has shaken up the art publishing scene with Prōtocollum, an annual publication that includes artists […]


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