Die Katze auf dem heißen Blechdach: Translating the forbidden
A new production of Cat on a Hot Tin Roof at Deutsches Theater attempts to bring the […]
Queer Berlin
IDAHOBIT 2022: The most important events in Berlin
The international day against homophobia, biphobia, intersexism and transphobia is back. Here's what's happening in Berlin.
A new antisemitism? Wolfgang Benz
INTERVIEW! The trial of the young Syrian involved the infamous "Berlin Kippa attack" is already underway as […]
Konrad Werner: Book idea
Konrad has a new idea for a book and it's a surefire hit.
Amok Mama: The worst buskers in the world
Jacinta asks why Berlin's buskers so bad. She doesn't know, but she has a solution.