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Do real environmentalists vote green?

Thanks to strong polling and a breakout campaign to take the chancellery, 2021 is undoubtedly the year […]


European elections: Meet Germany’s contenders

On May 26, Berliners will be voting Germany's MEPs into office for five years. Are you a […]


John Riceburg: FCK GRN

A RUN DMC t-shirt provides a decent way to describe John's feelings about the Greens' support for […]


Konrad Werner: The purpose of the universe is to fuck over asylum seekers

The Green party abandoned its principles last week. Again. At the expense of asylum seekers. Again.


John Riceburg: Just let the refugees stay!

Kreuzberg is under a state of siege. For the last week, 1720 police have sealed off the […]


Maggie Spooner: Tree muggers

Our City West correspondent certainly ain't no hippy. But when it comes to the trees in her […]


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