Amok Mama: Tons of national pride and cans of tap water
Jacinta ponders the question of national pride. What good is it? Is it okay? And when did […]
Amok Mama: Why I hate Berlin
Sometimes Jacinta thinks she hates Berlin. She's just not used to people smiling at her anymore.
Seymour Gris: Fussball über alles – my weekend as a Germany fan
For Germany's first Euro 2012 match, Gris travelled to Lviv, Ukraine embedded in a troupe of fans.
Konrad Werner: Wir lieben die Qveen
German people don't really love the royal family, like everyone says. They just think British people are […]
Konrad Werner: Lisping, twitching Nazi cunt
Konrad has got death-threat envy. It's not fair – he's said way worse things about Thilo Sarrazin […]
Konrad Werner: You have failed me for the last time, Admiral Norbert
Darth Merkel is getting nervous about next year's election – you can tell because she is starting […]