Amok Mama: German artists
German artists are so precious. Jacinta Nandi thinks they should all be forced to work 70 hours […]
Konrad Werner: Soft principles, funny faces
Angela Merkel has been named the world's most powerful woman again. She's also the one who does […]
The underrated German genius
It’s time to put Hitler and the war aside and acknowledge Germany’s huge intellectual and cultural contributions […]
Konrad Werner: Contrite, but still psychic
Konrad is sorry for making fun of that ice-cream botherer last week, and notices that Berlin has […]
Seymour Gris: Capitalist propaganda, the Wall and you
GM potatoes or the Wall? Is that really the question? Seymour says there's nothing worse than spoiled […]
Amok Mama: Slutwalk
Jacinta Nandi spent Saturday at Slutwalk. And she's decided that even if all women are sluts, most […]