John Riceburg: Is THE PARTY always right?
Adventures in "Linkenland" begins today with John Riceburg's new bi-weekly blog navigating the left-ier lands of politics. […]
Seymour Gris: The good news about this election
Sunday's election wasn't all just about Merkel-mania.
Konrad Werner: Germany is a monarchy now
Angela Merkel has swept the election, but she tripped herself up doing it – her triumph came […]
Amok Mama: My son got to vote more than I did
Jacinta Nandi has a conversation with her kid about voting in Germany.
Die Violetten
Founded in January 2001, Die Violetten consider themselves closest to the Greens – not only because both […]
BüSo (The Civil Rights Movement Solidarity Party)
Founded in 1992 by journalist Helga Zepp-LaRouche, the German-born wife of US activist Lyndon LaRouche, the BüSo […]