“We’re closer than ever” What next for Berlin’s housing referendum?
An expert commission ruled that Berlin really can take back the city’s housing from corporate landlords. So, […]
Friday 3, March
What would a big coalition mean for Berlin?
A coalition between the SPD and CDU looks increasingly likely in Berlin, but what would it mean […]
Red Flag
Privatise profits, nationalise losses: What Uniper tells us about about Berlin’s housing market
Uniper was going to collapse, so Germany quickly nationalised the company. So why are we told expropriation […]
Rent crisis
Berlin’s failed rental revolution
How Berlin went from cheap rents to a housing crisis, saw its rent cap defeated and what […]
Red Flag: Six dumb arguments against nationalising housing
59,1 percent voted to pass the Deutsche Wohnen & Co Enteignen referendum, but Berliners are still waiting for […]