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Give the money back? Berlin to demand Covid aid repayments until 2030

The Investitionsbank Berlin is asking for €200 million back from grants of Covid aid - but will […]


Berlin news in English: daily blog

The latest English news about coronavirus, politics, culture, business and more from Berlin and beyond.

Get in line!

Waiting in line: Berlin’s most legendary queues

Queues are an important part of life in Berlin. For Berghain, for basic public services, to get […]


Mask requirement on Berlin public transport to end on February 2

Ever since the coronavirus pandemic began, we've has a mask mandate on public transport in Berlin - […]


COVID rules in Berlin: Should I get a booster?

Covid cases in Berlin are rising as winter approaches. So, should you be getting a booster shot? […]

20 years of Exberliner

Nadja Vancauwenberghe: “I’m not interested in doing something mediocre”

Exberliner turns 20! Co-founder and editor-in-chief Nadja Vancauwenberghe on how the magazine got started, two decades of […]


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