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Beware of the beginnings!

With the recent rise of populist, nationalist and xenophobic movements such as Pegida and AfD, some have […]


Weimar’s peace-mongers

After World War I, the anti-war movement in Germany was at its strongest. We spoke to a […]


Wladek Flakin: What would a world without bosses be like?

Wladek doesn't like bosses any more than the next guy. What would a boss-free world look like?


Berlin election perspectives: Dmytri Kleiner

For the second in our series of op-eds on the US election, the Berlin-based Canadian-Russian "Telekommunist" explains […]


Rejecting fear, resisting Islam

INTERVIEW! Algerian novelist Boualem Sansal, the controversial author behind 2084: The End of the World, sounds off […]


Back to the future: Ben Wheatley

INTERVIEW! British director Ben Wheatley discusses his adaptation of J.G. Ballard’s dystopian novel High-Rise, a period social […]


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