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Konrad Werner: The government keeps letting VW poison everyone

There's new news in the VW scandal: 1) An insider said the test cheating was an open […]


Konrad Werner: Germany protects its corrupt multinationals? No shit!

Whether it's Volkswagen or Heckler & Koch, the German government goes out of its way to help […]


Seymour Gris: Bureaucracy hackers

Three entrepreneurs have created a clever algorithm that hacks the Bürgeramt's dysfunctional system and allows them to […]


EXBlicks: Dorothee Wenner’s DramaConsult

INTERVIEW. This month's EXBlicks film DramaConsult follows three ambitious Lagos businessmen as they travel to Germany vying […]


Kultur(brauerei) for sale

Formerly a meeting place for a dissident artistic intelligentsia, the Kulturbrauerei is to be sold off to […]


Seymour Gris: Heard on the Allee – Silicon Scheiße

The "Shit Whoever Says" meme hits Rosenthaler Platz. Gris discusses.


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