Konrad Werner: Snowden-friendly Germany invests in mass surveillance
The German secret service this month leaked its mass surveillance plans to the press and no one […]
Konrad Werner: Who’s really in charge?
We now know that the BND is just as uncontrolled and unaccountable as the NSA. And Angela […]
Konrad Werner: Either Merkel is lying or the BND is out of control
The BND story is really complicated, but there's only one thing you need to know.
Konrad Werner: Germany’s big fat hypocrites on CIA torture
Both Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier and Justice Minister Heiko Maas expressed their outrage about CIA torture last […]
Konrad Werner: The trouble with being an appendix
Germans are pretending to be outraged about the CIA spying on their secret service. In fact, they're […]