Amok Mama: Why I hate doing stand-up comedy
Jacinta Nandi fucking hates doing stand-up comedy. So why does she do it? It's probably her pain-hungry […]
Amok Mama: Children are fucking idiots
Children are fucking idiots – sometimes. But we were all children once, even Jacinta Nandi.
Amok Mama: Pornography for women
Jacinta Nandi totally agrees with the notion that rom-coms are porn for women. But of course, some […]
Amok Mama: Going PROPERLY veggie
Jacinta Nandi is now the kind of vegetarian who eats fish. And dreams about Bouletten, bacon sandwiches […]
Amok Mama: When is the right time to have a baby?
Jacinta Nandi asks when the right time to have a baby is and she decides on an […]
Amok Mama: Ahoy, matey
Jacinta Nandi voted for the Pirates in the end. And she's not really certain why, either.