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How ‘Der Schimmelreiter / Hauke Haiens Tod’ offers a deft warning

Gockel's adaptations of 'The Rider and the White Horse' and 'The Death of Hauke Haien' investigate the […]


Why the troubling problem of Intermezzo’s misogyny remains unresolved

The spectacle of the newly-revived 'Intermezzo' might dazzle, but it still struggles to get past the misogyny […]


Beckett’s ‘Happy Days’ at the English Theatre Berlin is absurdly brilliant

Directed by Beckett's long-time collaborator Walter D. Asmus, 'Happy Days' explores the apocalypse in miniature ★★★★.


Long night of the playwrights returns with Autor:innen Tage at the Deutsches Theater

The “long night of the playwrights” returns to the Deutsches Theater (June 4-15) to highlight the work […]


Ballhaus Naunynstraße intendant Wagner Carvalho on space for young artists

Since 2013, Wagner Carvahlo has been helping young people participate in theatre through the akademie der autodidakten.

Editor's column

A final bow: Theatretreffen celebrates the legacy of René Pollesch

This year's Theatretreffen brought into focus a recent loss: Schaubühne director René Pollesch.


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