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“I don’t believe in auteur theatre”: Intendant René Pollesch on life at the Volksbühne

René Pollesch talks about the writer's two-decade involvement with the Volksbühne, political theatre, and what we might […]


Childhood Archives ★ ★

Directed by Caroline Guiela Nguyen, 'Childhood Archives' has some moving moments, but is ultimately let down but […]


English Theatre Berlin: How much do you love the EU?

English Theatre Berlin brings its conversational, verbatim approach to challenge the European Union’s raison d’être.

Editor's choice

Escape the bleak midwinter: Feel-good theatre, ballet and opera

As the days get shorter and darker, Berliners can find comfort in some joyfully camp stage, ballet […]


Paradise Lost ★★★

At the Neuköllner Oper, a new production directed by Peter Lund attempts to put a new spin […]


The Great (Re)Learning ★★★★

Directed by Gina May Walter, The Great (Re)Learning invites audiences to choose their own adventure in a […]


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