• Stage
  • Gods, fairytales and their puppets


Gods, fairytales and their puppets

KREATIONEN 2010 was this month and EXBERLINER was on the scene to see what would happen at Berlin's first indie puppet theatre festival.

Image for Gods, fairytales and their puppets

Eight independent puppet, figure and object theatre ensembles were given the opportunity to introduce their ‘creatures’ during the one week puppet theater festival Kreationen 2010. Some of these performances will be included in the future evening program of the Schaubude, and are aimed at both adults and adolescents.

“From Venus I’m descended, Dionysos’ son/The god of Souls before thee thou dost see.”

Anubis is the protective god of afterlife in ancient Egyptian mythology that puts the hearts of the dead on the scale of Maat. Through the subtle slow motion of the Bunraku-style “Anubis”, the extravagant design and engaging sound world, Uta Gebert draws you into the visual theater, even if you don’t understand the few German text excerpts from Austrian author Hugo von Hoffmanstahl. Too bad this time the carefully-created atmosphere was smashed by the following performance, a version of the famous Grimm-tale, “Fitcher’s Bird”, as a horror-comedy.

Could Queen also have been inspired by Hans Christian Andersen?

“Find me somebody to love” starts, and also serves to summarize, the charming one-act “Peanuts”. The witty, contemporary and child-appropriate interpretation of the fairytale The Princess and the Pea is created through the very traditional marionette technique merged with the live act of the two puppeteers. The consistently full house shows that theater goers are increasingly interested in the enchanting and subtle possibilities of adult-oriented puppet performances, making them clearly more than just child’s play.