For the last 20 years, Potsdam – Berlin’s royal city to the south has regained some of its former glory each May by holding court for everyone who is anyone in the international dance scene.
This year, choreographers and dancers from the corners of the world as far-flung as Israel and Brazil are presenting new work, and participating in workshops and discussions designed to bring the audience into the creative experience.
Tel Aviv-based Arkadi Zaides’s Quiet (May 16-17, 20:00, T-Werk, Schiffbauergasse 4e) and the Parisian Martine Pisani’s As Far as the Eye Can Hear (May 13-15, 18:00, Freundschaftsinsel, Karl-Förster-Denkmal) are just some of the festival’s highlights. The special events for children also help make it appropriate for dance fans of all ages.
20. POTSDAMER TANZTAGE, May 12-23 | For a complete programme, visit