Think you know the woman behind the button-up blazers and rhombus hands? Take our quiz to see how much you’ve learned over 16 years of Merkeldom.

Your Score
0-4 points
Keep away from those polling booths!
Have you been living under a rock? It would take you another 16 years in office to catch up. Laschet-levels of peinlich. We don’t suppose you’re a German citizen, but if you are: please donate your ballot to someone who actually cares!
5-9 points
You’re merkling along without a clue…
Seems like you know a few scant basics, but really you’re just muddling through. (Sound familiar?) Try watching some Tagesschau every now and again. At this point, even Baerbock has a better grasp on politics than you!
10-14 points
Someone’s been paying attention!
Nicht schlecht. Even though the chancellor is famously private, you’ve been keeping an eye on her time in the spotlight. Grab yourself a copy of Robin Alexander’s tell-all Merkel book Machtverfall for some kick-ass trivia. (Don’t read German? Flick to page 8 of this issue instead.)
15-18 points
Fancy becoming leader of the free world?
Who’s the Mutti? You are! You know more about Merkel than Olaf Scholz knows about balancing the books. A questionable Doktortitel will get you anywhere in these parts, so we’re awarding you the Ph.D. in Merkelonomics!
1.c / 2.d / 3.a / 4.a, b, c, d, e, f / 5.c / 6.b / 7.a / 8.b / 9.a / 10.c / 11.d. / 12.b / 13.c.