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Why didn’t Syrian refugees get the same welcome?

Today’s refugees from Ukraine have received an outstanding reception – why didn’t those fleeing Syria get the […]

Red flag

Red Flag: Turn oligarchs’ villas into refugee housing!

One of Putin's favourite billionaires appears to own an empty villa in Schmargendorf, southwest Berlin.

Fake news

Fake news of the week: BioNTech’s political meddling

Did Uğur Şahin, CEO of BioNTech, threaten to suspend all political donations?


What is Gerhard Schröder for?

The invasion of Ukraine has exposed decades of dirty dealings with Russia.


2G in Berlin: What to know about the latest rules

On April 1, most (but not all) of Berlin's rules are relaxed. Find out what's allowed and […]


“Putin can’t lose face”: Analyst Marina Henke on the Ukraine war

As Russia's invasion continues, we ask defence expert Marina Henke about nuclear weapons, Putin's strategy and the […]


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