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  • Saturday’s No To Racism demo in pictures


Saturday’s No To Racism demo in pictures

GALLERY! On Saturday, June 6th, more than 15,000 demonstrators gathered at Alexanderplatz for a “silent protest” against racism and police brutality. Here’s what our photographers saw.

On Saturday, June 6th, more than 15,000 demonstrators gathered at Alexanderplatz for a “silent protest” against racism and police brutality. Demonstrators, who were asked to dress in black, held a moment of silence for 8 minutes and 46 seconds, the length of time a Minneapolis police officer had his knee on George Floyd’s neck. Sparking worldwide protests, Floyd’s death was the latest in a string of recent, high-profile police killings in the US. 

Here’s what our photographers at Alexanderplatz saw.

Image for Saturday’s No To Racism demo in pictures

From 2pm, over 15,000 demonstrators gathered at Alexanderplatz to protest institutional racism and police brutality. (Photo by Metallica White.)

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“Man in all its diversity remains human,” (Photo by Metallica White.)

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Almost ten times as many people turned up to the protest than had officially registered. (Photo by Carlos Hawthorn.)

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The protest was mostly peaceful, although there were small altercations with police. (Photo by Luka Taraskevics.)

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Originally, 1500 protestors officially registered, but once this number was exceeded, the police closed off streets surrounding Alexanderplatz and asked people not to go to the square.  (Photo by Metallica White.)

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Some officials were concerned that the demonstrations may spread the coronavirus. (Photo by Luka Taraskevics.)

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The police reported 93 arrests and 28 injured officers. (Photo by Metallica White.)

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The protests have also widened in scope as they spread around the world. People have begun to highlight the intersectional nature of oppression, citing the struggles of LGBT+ and native peoples, among others. (Photo by Metallica White.)

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There have been a number of high-profile minority deaths in police custody in Germany, including Oury Jalloh, Robble Warsame and Amad Ahmad. (Photo by Rachel Toner.)

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Despite a few tense moments, a positive atmosphere prevailed. (Photo by Luka Taraskevics.)