This annual event is now celebrating its 21st birthday and last year saw more than 30,000 visitors stream through Berlin’s museums in just over eight hours. Taking in art, dance, history, architecture, performance, archaeology, food, science, music and technology, this year’s Long Night of the Museums will happen across 80 of Berlin’s museums. Your €18 ticket gives you entry to all the venues and any of the 800 events on offer, plus free use of ABC zone public transport for the evening. This year’s highlights include:
1 Street food, cocktails and DJs inspired by Jerusalem’s Mahane Yehuda market at the Jüdisches Museum alongside storytelling of Jewish, Muslim and Christian parables using objects from the Welcome to Jerusalem exhibition
2 Dance performances by the Berlin State Ballet School’s Youth Ballet in the halls of the Bode Museum
3 Performances from Berlin hip-hop troupe Team Recycled and drag and burlesque from Eva LaBosse, Kay P. Rinha and Pimmela van Döschen – all at the Museum für Kommunikation
4 English-language tours at the Deutsches Historisches Museum, the Dalí Museum and the Museum für Kommunikation
5 Breakdance from Flying Steps on the Neues Museum’s stairwell
6 Demonstrations of martial arts techniques using traditional weapons by the the Kadeshi e.V. Jutaijitsu School shown at the Samurai Art Museum
Long Night of the Museums, Aug 25, 18-2, 80 museums all over town