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  • Megan’s Megacan: Teaching High School in a Pandemic


Megan’s Megacan: Teaching High School in a Pandemic

PODCAST! Konrad and Megan get their first German special guest! Kreuzberg high school teacher Mareike comes in to explain what it's like in a city classroom as the coronavirus rages outside and the Senat doesn't help. Konrad mainly eats Zimtsterne.

Image for Megan's Megacan: Teaching High School in a Pandemic

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Teaching is hard enough as it is, but try doing it in a European capital with a virus decimating the population. This week, Konrad lounges around like a work-shy fop eating sweetmeats while two weary Berlin teachers report from the city’s classrooms, where society is being held together. It’s time for a G&T with a special guest!