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  • Megan’s Megacan: Hessen In A Can


Megan’s Megacan: Hessen In A Can

This week, the Megacanners visit the great state of Hessen, where the courts have just delivered two major verdicts, and the AfD is trying to pretend it's not full of Nazis. Time for an Apfelwein!

Image for Megan's Megacan: Hessen In A Can

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The state of Hesse is home to Kristina Hänel, the newly-named Walter Lübcke School, and Apfelwein – three good reasons to do a Hessen Special. Konrad reports on the end of another Nazi trial, Megan catches up with the cosmic mystery that is the continued existence of Paragraph 219A in German law, and they both drink fancy cider from a snazzy black can. Prost!