Instead of getting wasted, buying questionably ‘vintage’ junk and singing your guts out the next time you go to Mauerpark, you should take some time to explore the new free photo exhibition Mauerpark. Güterbahnhof-Grenzstreifen-Grünanlage, on view by the Bernauer Straße entrance every Sunday courtesy of the Pankow Museum.
Thirty-five images, the oldest dating back to 1925, portray the park’s history, from its train station beginnings through its namesake Death Strip days to its current status as a Touri magnet.
If that leaves you hungry for more Prenzlauer Berg history, the Pankow museum’s provided a web app, VomMauerparkZumMuseum, that gives you a guided tour from Mauerpark to – surprise! – the museum, passing sights like the oldest fire station in Germany, the municipal People’s Bathhouse from 1902, the Kulturbrauerei, the picturesque Kollwitzplatz, the old Jewish cemetery on Schönhauser Allee and the synagogue on Rykestraße, and the historic water tower on Knaackstraße that also housed Nazi Germany’s first concentration camp.
Mauerpark. Güterbahnhof-Grenzstreifen-Grünanlage, through Aug 30, Mauerpark, Prenzlauer Berg, U-Bhf Bernauer Str., Sun 11-18