Photo by Maria Karpushina
After releasing her debut album QEEI last year, Argentinian electronic music producer and drummer Tatiana Heuman made a getaway to Berlin.
“As my stay here is coming to an end, I’ve been reflecting on my original motivation to move here. I usually say that I was trying to look for better possibilities. The political and financial situation back home is bad, but it’s something more than that. I still don’t know exactly why, but I know that my journey will eventually reveal its purpose. A hundred years ago, my great grandparents made the opposite move: from Poland to Argentina. Almost every day, I think about the trip they made on a huge, dark, cold ship, travelling for months across the ocean. And now it was my turn. At first, I felt very vulnerable, but I knew that if my ancestors could do it, then so could I. Slowly, I started making friends and connecting with online communities – including female:pressure and Sister – which brought me opportunities I never would have found alone. Berlin is mostly a safe space, an invaluable resource for me. But there are a lot of contradictions in relation to the art world. I feel like I am living out the remnants of something that happened here in the past. I guess I will never know what that Berlin was. Still, my experience here is somehow shaping my musical journey. Impulse, empowerment, chaos and sensitivity are elements very present in my sound – and life.”
Heroines of Sound Jul 12-14 Radialsystem, Friedrichshain