Known for years as one of Berlin’s most ubiquitous buskers – and, since late last year, as the guy singing “Everybody knows shit’s fucked” in an unexpectedly viral 15-second clip – synth pop troubadour Stephen Paul Taylor releases his new EP Single And Seventeen at Klunkerkranich on Saturday, August 1. We asked him how he’d be spending the weekend if he had his way (and a spaceship)…
15:00 Rent a 10-person helicopter and park it on my roof. Then go pick up chocolate bars from my Späti.
17:00 Meet 10 of my closest friends, go to Teufelsberg in the helicopter and sing like angels in the dome.
21:00 Helicopter to Amar for some delish Indian food.
23:00 Dance all night at Kater Blau.
12:00 Sunrise at Kater, pancake breakfast at my house.
14:00 Get on a float and ride around Berlin while people wave at us.
16:00 Curious Fox to pick up books.
18:00 Ride around in my friend’s spaceship, gazing at the cityscape and eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
21:00 Land in Görli and have a rave till 1am.
01:00 Go to sleep…finally.
9:00 Get up early to protest climate change.
12:00 Go record shopping at Boxi. Take helicopter to Mauerpark to buy more records and do karaoke.
15:00 BBQ on the Spree with friends, reminiscing about our epic weekend.
18:00 Vietnamese dinner with my girlfriend Minna at Hamy.