Music & clubs

Trailer jams: Jae Tyler

Kansas native and cardio enthusiast Jae Tyler is celebrating the release of his new single. “Exercise” is a jolt of high-energy synth-pop for your jogging playlist.

Image for Trailer jams: Jae Tyler

Photo by Kari Jahnsen

Kansas native and cardio enthusiast Jae Tyler is celebrating the release of his new single. “Exercise” is a jolt of high-energy synth-pop for your jogging playlist.

“I can’t let go of the genetically aesthetic aspect of my past. My parents probably wouldn’t take kindly to being called ‘white trash’ by their son. I mean, we’re not the trashiest, but I’ve lived in trailer homes and ate grade-C meat three meals a day. You can take the trash out of the trailer, but you can’t take the trailer out of the trash, which informs my art. It was my wife’s idea to move to Berlin. I had never been to mainland Europe before. We were living in Iceland and getting tired of the tourist industry. We just packed up on a whim and came here. Compared to Reykjavik, you can sustain yourself without worrying too much about making enough money to buy a sandwich. I’m finding better footing in Berlin. For my live set, I have tracks recorded on cassette and I play along to it. Most people would use a computer, but I like the analog feel. It’s like karaoke, but I also use guitar, a little analog synthesizer and effects on my voice. If something goes wrong, I either have to stop and rewind the tape, or else just decide not to worry about it. I just really like the feeling of having nothing computerised on stage – except my brain.”

Jae Tyler May 16, 21:30 Loophole, Neukölln