For a savory treat and a more contemporaneous environment, cross over into Moabit to Buchkantine on Essener Straße.
The coffee is not as good or cheap as Fiaker’s (€2.30 for cappuccino; €1.90 for espresso), but they offer a proud selection of breakfasts, soups, pasta salads and cakes (€2.50-3), delicious Bioland breads and healthy fresh juices (€3.20).
And then of course there’s the incomparable company of literature (the place is also a full-fledged bookstore) and well-read Moabiters, attracted by the modern bookish atmo- sphere and free wifi. Parents might also appreciate the kids’ book section, a cute separate room where Essener Kiez gentrifiers can keep the younguns busy and literate while they enjoy some idle time. The books are mainly in German, but if you’re lucky, you might uncover the two shelves where the English selection is hidden.