The way I look at it, aside from the heat, there are two good reasons to go out and party this weekend. One – if you’ve got football blues and are disappointed that Germany didn’t follow up its Eurovision win with a World Cup championship title. And two – if you’re like me: if you’re happy the whole damn thing is over and you don’t have to trip of slobbering crowds of dozens on your way to pick up a Sternberg at the Spätkauf.
The premiere of Emilie Jouvet’s Too Much Pussy – Feminist Sluts in the Queer X Show (Fri, July 9 @ Kino Eiszeit) may “too much” for some as the title implies, but it also might be exactly right. And some of that same pussy will be performing and spinning at the afterparty at L.U.X. Over in Mitte, the action is less energetic, but nonetheless titillating: Luigi & Luca’s Re Ad Praesentare brings high art to pornography (or vice versa) (Fri, July 9 @ Abnormals Gallery).
Fashion Week (July 7-11; photo) can also cover your entertainment needs. On the first day, 20 protesters “dropped dead” in front of the Mercedes-Benz-belogoed headquarters on Unter den Linden – it would almost have been performance art if they just knew how to dress themselves. Wedding Dress (Sat, Jul 10 & Sun, Jul 11 @ Brunnenstr. 65) in, well, Wedding, could be worth the bike ride: it wants to get rid of the corporate feel by taking fashion back to, ahem, the concrete streets, with two days of local labels and outdoor parties. Last year’s WD was quite the thing, so this one comes highly recommended.
Saturday evening’s looking a bit sparse, so you may just want to rely on a bottle of Sekt by the Landwehr Canal – at least until Derek B, former house DJ for San Francisco’s legendary Trannyshack, takes to the decks at Kreuzberg’s Golden Finish to spin electro into the wee hours (Sat, July 10 @ Golden Finish).
And then maybe by Sunday you’ll be ready for one last taste of a certain sports event – DUH DUN DUNNNNNNNNNNNN! – the World Cup Final (Sun, July 11). Watch it in style (if that’s possible) at Arena, on big screen right next to where the all-night clubbers are probably be taking a dip in the Badeschiff. Or you can watch a completely different kind of fool at Open Mic LJ Fox (Sun, July 11 @ Madame Claude). But me, myself and anyone else I’m with on Sunday? We’ll probably be hitting up Görlitzer Park and downing some of our own world cups.