The big ( )
OUT NOW! How did the hotly anticipated erotic smorgasbord from Lars von Trier NYMPH( )MANIAC really fare?
EXBlicks: “In 20 years it will be like London”
INTERVIEW. This month’s EXBlicks screening of Peter Zach's "The City Named Desire" features a view of Berlin […]
Hustlin’ hard
OUT NOW! Con-man and FBI agent showcase life under the table in AMERICAN HUSTLE with honesty.
The Berlinale Blog: Chaos at the Conference
If Jeff is turning his back on photographers and Bill is ticked off and only Wes looks […]
Boss McConaughey
OUT NOW! McConaughey pulls the weight of the film in DALLAS BUYERS CLUB.
Loach celebration
This year’s Berlinale will see director Ken Loach awarded the Honourary Golden Bear. In his 50-year career, […]