
Moonlight matters: Barry Jenkins
INTERVIEW! In a moment that's bound to go down in Academy history, Barry Jenkins' MOONLIGHT took the […]
Neruda’s world: Pablo Larrain
INTERVIEW! Hot on the heels of last month’s Jackie, Pablo Larrain returns with the equally formally daring […]
Nazi dreams
OUT NOW! Rüdiger Suchsland's HITLERS HOLLYWOOD looks deep into Third Reich cinema – and the German soul.
The Berlinale Blog: The alternative guide to Publikumstag
It's the last day of the festival tomorrow and here's your guide to navigating the Publikumstag.
African representations: John Trengove
INTERVIEW. John Trengove's feature-length debut "The Wound" opened the Panorama this year as a part of their […]
Sexual healing: Paola Calvo
INTERVIEW. Paola Calvo’s documentary "Violently Happy" offers a glimpse inside Schwelle 7, Felix Ruckert’s former spiritual and […]