
Justice served
OUT NOW! Has Joss Whedon’s last-minute tinkering with Justice League saved the flailing DC franchise?
Practice (almost) makes perfect
OUT NOW! The originality of HAPPY DEATH DAY almost hits the target with its Groundhog Day-styled reliving […]
Unsettling creatures
OUT NOW! The beauty of Greg Zglinski's TIERE (ANIMALS) is something not to miss, taking notes from […]
Queer as punk: Yony Leyser
INTERVIEW! Join Exberliner and Soundwatch film festival on Thursday, November 16, 7:30pm at Lichtblick Kino for the […]
Mom, you ruined Christmas
OUT NOW! Packed full of harmless foul-mouthed fun, but A BAD MOMS CHRISTMAS doesn't quite sparkle.
Murdering a classic
OUT NOW! Kenneth Branagh's sleek but uneventful Agatha Christie adaptation of MURDER ON THE ORIENT EXPRESS fails […]