Our Festival overkill issue is out now!
Inside you’ll find:
FESTIVAL OVERKILL How much can you take before you overdose on Berlin’s bursting September cultural calendar? The run-through on over 20 festivals from music to art to the big lit-fit.
ELECTION GUIDE Berlin goes to the polls on September 18. The good, the bad and the Wowi broken down.
BALLOTS FOR FOREIGNERS Why the majority of non-EU citizens in Germany are required to complete 650 hours of German courses, integration orientations and tests but are refused the right to vote and what’s being done to slowly change that policy. Yet there’s still one way you can make your voice heard.
THE BALLOT’S SMALL PARTIES Hey! What about the little guys? EXB interviews squatters, anarchists, animal lovers, pirates and far-right ‘centrists’.
EXPERIMENTDAYS Berlin’s annual urban-living event sets up camp on the most hotly disputed building site in town: the Spree. Find out who the players are and what they’re bringing to the proposal-table.
WORD UP Eleven days of 150 authors from 60 countries form the 11th International Literature Festival Berlin (ILB). EXB rubs shoulders with the literati!
IMPORT/EXPORT A cluster of high rises put on the map by ex-junkie Christiane F. marks Bat-Yam-Platz – once occupied by low-income German families and drunks – is now experiencing new beginnings as foreigners quickly move in.
BEST OF BERLIN KaterHolzig the next Bar25? Nice try, but, no.
And interviews with Clap Your Hands Say Yeah frontman, Alec Ounsworth, in bed with Berlin’s off-kilter folk queen, Mary Ocher, KW69 painter Corinne Wasmuht, and director of Le Havre, Aki Kaurismäki.
Don’t forget about our newer features: HIPSTER HITLER and our handy EVENTS CALENDAR.
And much more…
You can order the September issue by clicking here! Or why not just subscribe?