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  • Turbo-Citizenship: Germany to allow multiple-nationality after just 3 years

Wednesday 23, August

Turbo-Citizenship: Germany to allow multiple-nationality after just 3 years

Naturalisation as a German citizenship used to take eight years. A new law will reduce that to just three.


Wednesday 23, August

Turbo-Citizenship: Germany to allow multiple-nationality after just 3 years

For a long time, immigrants to Germany have (with a few exceptions) been prohibited from assuming German citizenship unless they sacrifice that of their home country. This means that about twelve million people who live and work in Germany – and pay German taxes – are excluded from participating in the political process. Finally, however, things may be about to change. Germany is opening up its naturalisation laws, with the cabinet expected to approve the draft legislation on Wednesday.

What does this mean in practice? First of all, multiple nationalities will no longer be an obstacle to German citizenship and immigrants will become eligible for naturalisation after five years (or three in some circumstances). Furthermore, if a foreign couple has a child in Germany and one parent has been a legal resident in the country for five years, the child will automatically be granted citizenship.

German language requirements will also be eased (you only need to show that you can communicate in everyday life) and there is also some legislation about the Gast-arbeiter, or ‘guest worker’ generation, who will no longer be required to pass naturalisation tests.

All in all, seems like good news!