
Tyre Extinguishers let out air from 50 SUVs in Berlin-Grunewald
Activist group The Tyre Extinguishers reportedly let out the air from 50 SUVs in Berlin-Grunewald this week.
Wednesday 21, June
It’s officially summer: Fight breaks out at outdoor swimming pool
June 21 is the official start of summer - and right on cue there are news reports […]
Tuesday 20, June
Google street view to update Berlin photos for the first time since 2008
Google street view is about to capture new pictures of Berlin for the first time in 15 […]
Monday 19, June
Hundreds of fish found dead in Landwehr Canal
Due to heavy rainfall and contaminated water flowing into the Landwehr Canal, hundreds of dead fish are […]
Friday 16, June
Drug danger for dogs in Berlin Mauerpark?
Are increasing numbers of dogs getting sick from ingesting syringes, crack pipes and toxic faeces at Berlin […]
Thursday 15, June
New index puts Berlin rents above €7 per square metre
Ready for a rent hike? The new Berlin index sees rents climb above €7 per square metre […]
- Hauptbahnhof to partially close for two months due to construction
- Several centimetres of snow blanket Berlin
- Strike three: BVG to halt service for 48 hours this Thursday and Friday
- Berlin strike wave: Public sector workers walk out Thursday and Friday
- Germany's election automaton: The Wahl-O-Mat goes online