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“Flat as a flounder”: SUVs targeted in Berlin suburbs

SUV drivers in the wealthy suburbs of Wannsee, Nikolassee and Schlachtensee had their vehicles targeted by climate […]

Monday 29, January

S-Bahn strike ends, BVG strike incoming

Germany's train strike has ended with normal service resuming on Monday morning. But don't get used to […]

Friday 26, January

Remains of asteroid 2024 BX1 discovered outside Berlin

Last weekend, a fireball lit up the Brandenburg skies as asteroid 2024 BX1 fell to earth. Now, […]

Thursday 25, January

Berlin: The third best city in the world?

Time Out magazine has ranked Berlin as the third best city in the world. Do you agree?

Wednesday 24, January

Controversial plans to build fences around Görlitzer Park get delayed

Controversial plans to introduce increased security around Görlitzer Park might take longer than expected.

Tuesday 23, January

Another strike: Six days without S-Bahn from Wednesday

For the fourth time in these negotiations and the second time this month, the Berlin S-Bahn is […]


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