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Is Berlin planning to remove a statue to Korean “comfort women”?

Comments from Berlin Mayor Kai Wegner hint at the removal of a statue commemorating the victims of […]

Thursday, May 23

Students occupy Humboldt University to establish “Jabalia Institute”

Protestors have symbolically adopted the name of one of the largest refugee camps in the Gaza strip. […]

Wednesday, May 22

How long does it take to turn German in Berlin? 11 years

Last year, 9,041 people were naturalised as German citizens in Berlin, with an average time of residence […]

Tuesday, May 21

Car theft: 6,643 vehicles stolen last year, but which are most popular?

The estimated cost of all stolen cars in Berlin in 2023 was €163 million. But which brands […]

Friday, May 17

Berlin climate hunger strike: Doctors may give up on health of activist

The climate activists have said they are prepared to starve, with some becoming so poorly that attending […]

Thursday, May 16

Kino International now closed for repairs for two years

The iconic Berlin cinema Kino International has closed for extensive repairs. But don't worry, it'll only take […]


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