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Shooting stars: Clear skies give Berlin ideal night for Perseid meteor shower

August 12 will see the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower, with Berlin set for clear […]

Friday, August 9

End of the döner? Court to decide on Berlin’s favourite fast food

What is the right way to prepare a döner kebab? Germany and Türkiye are arguing it out […]

Thursday, August 8

Black market swimming: Security staff caught reselling outdoor pool tickets

Security staff at Sommerbad am Insulaner in Steglitz were recently found reselling tickets for the pool "under […]

Wednesday, August 7

“From the river to the sea”: Berlin court convicts activist over chant

A Berlin court has criminally charged a protestor with incitement to hatred over use of the slogan […]

Tuesday, August 6

2.5 million litres of water flood Gemäldegalerie catalogue warehouse

Steaming hot water flooded a basement of one of the Gemäldegalerie's administrative buildings on Sunday, reaching as […]

Monday, August 5

BVG moves to card payment on Berlin buses from September 1

From next month, Berlin bus drivers will no longer carry cash but instead exclusively accept card payments […]


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