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Violent clash of groups at neo-Nazi demo in Marzahn

A neo-Nazi counter-protest against a leftist demonstration took place in Marzahn-Hellersforf on Saturday, resulting in 39 arrests.

Friday, October 18

China and Berlin in deadlock over “Great wall of Pankow”

In 2019, China had a wall built around an overgrown block in the Pankow district. But for […]

Thursday, October 17

Berlin wants to double the number of shopping Sundays per year

Berlin’s Mayor, Kai Wegner, wants to allow retailers to open on Sundays more often throughout the year.

Wednesday, October 16

Online anmeldung: Berlin finally allows digital address registration

The long-awaited alternative to Bürgeramt appointments is finally here as online registration for new residents becomes available […]

Tuesday, October 15

Biden visits this Friday, severe traffic restrictions expected

Expect several road closures, severe disruptions to S-Bahn trips and diverted long-distance trains, among other restrictions.

Monday, October 14

Kita strike banned, but Berlin’s education senator wants to talk

Daycare staff in Berlin have been banned from striking to demand better working conditions. So, what happens […]


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