Friday 22, September
Berlin police ban spontaneous protests around marathon
In a preemptive move aiming to minimise any disruption to the marathon (taking place this Sunday), the Berlin police are publishing regulations today banning any unregistered protests at the event. “Violations of this order will be punished and will result in a large fine”, a police spokesperson stated.
While it’s impossible to completely secure the whole 42.2 kilometre-long route in such a way that blockades or other disruptions can be entirely ruled out, according to police planning, around 650 officers will be securing the marathon on Sunday.
Although not explicitly stated, it’s safe to assume that the measure is in large part down to the huge wave of disruptive actions undertaken by the climate activist group Letzte Generation in the past week. The activist group released a statement Friday morning confirming that they intend to disrupt the marathon, and will not be deterred by any bans or restrictions.